Providence Self-Sufficiency Ministries

Providence Self Sufficiency Ministries is that rare organization that builds a bridge between young and old, serving the needs of both.

During the past 11 years, Providence, located in Georgetown has expanded mightily to meet the needs of area residents. I started in 1994 with Providence House for Children, a secure group home for children in foster care. The facility has two group homes for foster children now and anticipates building a third.

To help parents seeking to reunite with their children, Providence built apartments to provide transitional living and case management for parents and children. Parents are required to earn their G.E.D. if they do not have a high school education, hold a job, attend parenting classes and meet other requirements that will assist them in making lasting changes in their lives that will help keep their family together.

Providence also reaches out to another special needs group: senior citizens. Guerin Woods, a campus for seniors, is located adjacent to the Providence House for Children campus and consists of apartments for seniors and the only senior citizen center in Floyd County. Eventually, the campus will offer a full continuum of care for seniors. Providence plans to break ground on a new building within the next two years that will house 10 adults in a home-style setting. Both medical and social needs will be met through this new type of living arrangement.

Providence has sought to bring these two disparate groups of people together through numerous activities in a program called Generations Together. It consists of social activities, mentoring, art and craft sharing and gardening.

To do all of this, Providence leaders have harnessed the power of grants, and the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has supported the organization. The organization and its leadership are great, creative examples of what can be done to meet the needs of children and seniors in our community.

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