Homeless Coalition Awarded Grant for Streamlining Entry into Services

Community Foundation of Southern Indiana Invests $80,000 in Service Coordination
NEW ALBANY- The Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana is awarded $80,000 from the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana to streamline entry into services for those homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
On June 11th, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana’s president and CEO, Linda Speed presented the grant award to Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana. The homeless coalition was represented by Keeley Stingel, executive director, and Jill Saegesser, board chair and executive director of River Hills Economic Development District & RPC.
“The Board and many community stakeholders have worked for years to bring this portion of our programming to fruition,” says Saegesser. “This is the jumpstart we need to advance our mission to effectively end homelessness.”
The project titled, Coordination of Services, will take place over a two-year period. The first year consists of identifying existing services and aligning an intake process that quickly connects individuals with the appropriate services.
“The ability to streamline services will more quickly connect our most vulnerable with the services they need,” says Stingel. “In addition, we anticipate a reduction in costs and increased efficiency among service providers.”
The homeless coalition’s White Flag emergency shelter is identified as the pilot site for the project. Stingel cites the increase in the number of guests and involvement of service providers in our White Flag emergency shelter as reasons for selecting White Flag as the first venue to pilot the streamlined entry process. A full rollout is anticipated in year two of the project.
Linda Speed, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana said, “The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is honored to support the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana with a multi-year grant that will provide critical funding for a Service Coordinator.”
The grant will help the Homeless Coalition streamline efforts so that the needs of people in the community are identified and then referred to the appropriate service providers – helping get individuals and families back on their feet.
Speed says, “Our role as a community leader, partner, and grantor allows us to help organizations thrive and make a difference in Clark and Floyd counties. We’re excited to see the progress the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana is making to address our community’s needs and help us grow as a region.”
The total cost of the two-year project is just shy of $105,000. The organization is currently seeking gap funding for the project.
“The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana felt called to invest in the project. The funds awarded are earmarked staff support for the effort, ” says Stingel
Unfortunately, there is a funding gap of $24,729 that remains. Equipment, marketing, mileage, printing, supplies, and program oversight are project costs that need to be met.
Stingel is confident that the project will be fully funded. The stakeholders surveyed, cite service coordination are a primary need and is identified in the Vision 2025 plan to end homelessness.
“The project is vital to the region,” says Stingel. “And, the need from service providers is discussed often.”
“We look forward to starting the project and seeing its impact.”
If you would like to support the effort, please donate by visiting www.soinhomeless.org or the organization’s Facebook page @homelesscoalitionsi. Alternatively, if you know of appropriate funding sources, email info@soinhomeless.org.
The Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana exists to address homelessness and its causes in the community by increasing advocacy and awareness, coordinating efforts, and influencing policy decisions.
For more information about the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana find the organization on Facebook @homelesscoalitionsi, email info@soinhomeless.org, or visit www.soinhomeless.org.