‘CFSI Announces $840,000 in Grants and Scholarships!


Help Update our Community Needs Assessment   

Thanks to a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc., the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is updating the 2015 Assessment of Needs and Priorities for Clark and Floyd Counties. In an effort to make this a comprehensive document with feedback from all of our community’s stakeholders, we’re inviting you to join us and share your thoughts.

Over the next six months we will be updating the 2015 Needs Assessment to reflect the evolving needs and priorities of our community – but we need your feedback to ensure it is an all-encompassing report that truly reflects the current state of our region. The Community Foundation will use this document to target our grantmaking in strategic areas that create a positive impact on Southern Indiana. And our hope is that other groups will use this information to create change and help our community thrive.  

The Indiana University Southeast Applied Research and Education Center will lead the session and collect your input for their research.  

Please join us and share your thoughts at an upcoming session.  

October 3, 2019  
7:00 – 8:30 pm   
New Albany Floyd County Library Auditorium 
180 West Spring Street, New Albany, IN 

October 10, 2019  
7:00 – 8:30 pm   
Borden High School – Group Presentation Room 
301 West Street, Borden, IN

 Please click here for a full list of sessions. 

CFSI Announces $840,000 to Support SoIN

Grants and Scholarships Wrap up Fiscal Year in a Big Way  

CFSI is proud to announce that final grants from our last fiscal year have been awarded!

This past fiscal year, CFSI granted more than $195,000 from our Community Impact Fund to 60 local organizations that are addressing our greatest needs.  

We also awarded over 100 scholarships totaling more than $650,000 in support of Southern Indiana’s class of 2019!  

Thank you for all you did to support the Community Foundation this past year. We’re fortunate to live in an area that believes in educating our youth and giving back to our community. Thanks to you, and our very generous supporters who have contributed to our Community Impact Fund, we were able to award well-deserved grants to organizations that are changing lives in Southern Indiana and improving our quality of place. 

Thank you!  



Thanks to a matching opportunity from Lilly Endowment Inc., the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is now offering a match for all qualifying contributions made to endowment funds between now and December 31, 2020, or as soon as the allocated matching funds are exhausted.

TRIPLE Your Donation

You won’t get an opportunity better than this! TRIPLE your donation when you contribute to the Community Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund. Last year we made more than 65 grants worth for over $266,000 to Southern Indiana nonprofits from the Community Impact Fund – helping address the needs of more than 84,000 people in our community.

If you can support our Community Impact Fund, Lilly Endowment will match your gift, $2 for every $1 you contribute! It doesn’t matter if you can give $1, $10, $100, or $1,000. Every gift will be matched. This is the easiest and most flexible way to provide for the most pressing needs in our community, forever.

Donate Here and Triple Your Gift


Helpful Tips from the Southern Indiana Estate Planing Council

Why Should I Plan?

By: Scott Waters, Waters, Tyler, Hofmann & Scott, LLC

So, why plan? Ben Franklin wrote in 1789 that “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The human condition is faced with eventual death, and for many of us, taxation in some form will accompany it. If only it were that simple! “I am not old yet,” some say. But because death is a process (or an instantaneous event, such as an accident, heart attack, etc.), waiting until you are “old” to plan can make things very difficult.  If mental capacity is lost, you are incapable of any further planning.  So there is a need to act while you are mentally and physically able.  Without planning, your intentions for the distribution of your wealth to your children or grandchildren – or somewhere else entirely – may be left to chance and not happen the way you want.

One thing you can do to start your planning is to think about… continue reading the article…  

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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