Using Qualified Charitable Distributions for Good
If your clients are age 70½ or older, they can make a tax-free Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from their IRA to the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. Doing so is a very simple and smart way to support their favorite charitable interests, no matter what those are.
Advantages of Using their QCD for Giving
- Simple
- Distributions counts towards their Required Minimum Distribution for the year
- Distributions are excluded from their ordinary income for federal tax purposes
- Opens new giving opportunities
- Stretch out payments to favorite nonprofits
- Easier to benefit more than one charity
- Can establish a permanent legacy
- They can receive a match for their gift if it goes to an endowment
Meet the Joneses
Bob and Jane Jones are enjoying retirement at the age of 71. They have a diversified portfolio including traditional IRAs and have an annual joint RMD of $24,000. The Joneses are in the 24% tax bracket and want to make a $10,000 donation to their favorite charity. Should they make an outright gift or use a QCD?
If the Joneses decide to direct a $10,000 QCD to charity, they reduce their taxable income by $10,000, still get to claim the same $26,550 standard deduction and they save $2,400 in federal taxes. Using their QCD for good is a great way to give!
If the Joneses had many charities they wanted to support, they could choose to direct their QCD to their fund at CFSI and pre-designate all of their charitable contributions for the year at one time, simplifying their giving. They could even pre-designate grants to be paid from their fund over a number of years (such as satisfying a pledge) with their QCD.
If you’re interested in learning more about how your clients can use their Qualified Charitable Distributions for good, please call Linda Speed at 812-948-4662 or

Give your clients the gift of a match and help them…
TRIPLE Their Charitable Gifts in 2019!
Thanks to a matching opportunity from Lilly Endowment Inc. the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is now offering a match for all qualifying contributions made to endowment funds between now and December 31, 2020, or as soon as the allocated matching funds are exhausted.
TRIPLE Your Clients’ Donation
Your clients won’t get an opportunity better than this! TRIPLE their donation when they contribute to the Community Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund. Lilly Endowment will match their gift, $2 for every $1 they contribute! This is the easiest and most flexible way to provide for the most pressing needs in our community, forever. Last year we made more than 59 grants to Southern Indiana nonprofits from the Community Impact Fund – helping address the needs of more than 72,000 people in our community.
Add to or Create an Endowment Fund Receive a $1 Match for $2 Gift
If your clients are interested in adding to an existing endowment fund, or creating a new endowment fund for their specific charitable purposes, Lilly Endowment will match their gift $1 for every $2 they contribute. This is a great way to increase the impact they have on our community.
CFSI will automatically match any qualifying gift made between now and
December 31, 2020 (or until the balance of the matching funds is allocated, if sooner).
Gifts that can be matched include:
- Cash
- Check
- Qualified charitable distributions (IRA Rollover)
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Mutual funds and more!
If you have additional questions about how your clients can take advantage of the match, start an endowment fund, or support the Community Impact Fund, please contact Linda Speed at 812-948-4662 or